[GPM] Sd.Kfz.250/3 GREIF 9/2003 1:25

  • Folks, it's been almost a year since my last report.

    I am slowly trying to come back to works.

    I know I have a few unfinished projects around but, as a warm-up project, I decided to try one of classic GPM models.

    I had already built one of them.

    [GPM] Sd.Kfz.251/1 Ausf.C 1:25 - Construction Reports - Kartonbau.de - Everything around Paper- and Cardmodels

    The result was quite satisfactory. So here comes another one, Sd.Kfz 250/3 GREIF.

    There was a lot to prepare for warming up. I had to organize tools and to replace some of them.

    I hope to see lines clearly with magnifiers. I also hope my muscle memories to come back and to prevent any shaking on the tip of my cutter.

    The first work is for the body work.




    Very similar assemblies processes to the Sd.Kfz 251.

  • The instruction guided me the next assemblies, wheels.

    A Sd.Kfz has four different kinds of wheels.

    A pair of front wheel, a pair of main drive wheels,

    6 pairs of regular wheels (I said the A type) and 4 pair of regular wheels (B type)

    The A type is first.

    Two identical wheels form a pair.

    Troubles are lots of triangular holes and concave streaks.

    The cutting started.

    These parts must be attached to 1 mm thick cardboard.

    I don't think I could cut 1.25mm thick holes out.

    So I tried to cut out 0.75mm thick first and attached the other 0.5mm and cut out the other 0.5mm.



    The following parts number has two **, making the final thickness ~1.25mm.
    I don't think it is right. I just make them 0.75mm thick.

  • A test build for a wheel.

    The concave streaks

    A Convex shape from a side

    Adding edge parts


    Not quite satisfactory but I could figure out what I could expect another 11 wheels.

  • Here comes the second wheel.

    Concave patterns.

    Cutting out an inner portion of the wheel frame to make rooms for the concave patterns sitting.



    The edge parts

    and paring two wheels


  • The second pair is done and it looks better than the first one.


    A few modifications on assemblies.

    Especially I omitted the C1h, which masks step height difference between the edge parts and the inner parts.

    The C1h parts are so thin and I don't think I could form a clean rings.

    Instead, I added a donut ring, which is not clearly shown in the following photo.

    The far right one is the third pair and it looks better again than the other two.


  • Hi Seo,

    it is good to read you afther such a long time!

    For me, all three wheels are looking very good!

    Cheers to the bay,


    "Es gibt viel zu viele Lautsprecher und viel zuwenig Kopfhörer!"

    Fritz Grünbaum, 1934

  • Hi Seo,

    a warm welcome back, master of papercraft!

    Your first wheels looks phantastic, so we expect a fine journey with you and your greif!

    If I thought about your last projekts, I guess, we become an incredible little halftruck.

    Best regards from germany!


  • Hello Seo,

    great to have you back!

    Those wheels are quite difficult an require a lot of time. 1.25mm with all those triangular cut-outs - I couldn´t do it, a good ider to construct them in halves !

    Kind regards


  • I am also very pleased that you are back.

    And then with such a superbly built model! Of course it's not finished yet, but the individual parts already look excellent!

    Best wishes to California

    Im Bau:

    BREMEN IV und Columbuskaje

  • wiwo1961

    Thank you so much for your kind comments.
    I am also glad to be back.

    @Matthias K.

    Thank you so much. I have a few unfinished projects and I hope I could finish this 250.

  • Zaphod

    It's been a while. How are you? Thank you so much for your kind comment.

    My goal is to warm up the skill, which became dull. I might spend long time to sharpen it again.

    But great to be back on track.

    I am also very pleased that you are back.

    And then with such a superbly built model! Of course it's not finished yet, but the individual parts already look excellent!

    Best wishes to California

    Helmut B.

    Thank you so much for your kind comment. I am glad you liked the wheels.

  • Here are steps that I used to make my 'A-type' wheels.

    1) punching holes

    2) cutting concave parts and assembling them


    3) Repeat one more

    4) Cutting them out

    5) The back side of the wheels

    6) cutting the center portion of the frame to make rooms for concave parts

    7) Glue them together

  • 8) Adding a ring part on the wheel and trimming an edge


    9) Adding a edge part that surrounds the wheel

    10) Adding the front edge part


    11) Adding a back side frame

    12) Assembling the front part and pairing the wheels


  • I just started the second type of wheels.

    They are total four pairs of wheels.

    The first work is cutting holes....

    The second type of these wheels have concave shapes and should look thin. But the model instruction is to use 1mm thick card board.

    I decided to change the assembly processes to make the shape and the thickness, using the original parts.


    The first test run



    The result look satisfactory. One down and seven to go.

  • The first test run for the second type wheel continues.

    Five small convex patterns are added to a wheel.


    Here comes the final result of the first test run.



    With the other type of the wheel.


  • After the first test run of the second type wheels, here comes the assemblies for remaining 6 wheels.


    I switched the original frame with rings.

    They are 0.5mm thick and they got paired to make 1 mm thick.



    Cutting out patterns. In the original assembly, they stays together.


    3. Gluing the frame from #1 and putting edge parts


    4. Cutting out front parts


    5. making shapes for front and back parts

  • Hello Seo!

    You do a very good work with the wheels! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    Mit besten Grüßen aus Hagen


    "Der Mensch ist nur da in der vollen Bedeutung des Wortes Mensch wo er spielt und er spielt nur da, wo er Mensch ist."
    Friederich Schiller

  • The work for tracks started.

    The original design is to put 3 layers together to form all connected tracks.

    Easy to build but the track for 251 was not quite satisfactory due to its stiff shape.

    I decided to cut the track piece by piece and connected them.

    The first test build. The goal is to mimic the following 3D drawing as much as possible with original parts.