HMS repulse 1/300

  • Edited once, last by lyly: Merged a post created by lyly into this post. ().

  • I made some mistakes in the production process. This is a continuous learning process,and I will do better next time.

    Edited 2 times, last by lyly: Merged a post created by lyly into this post. ().

  • six guns,take me a day

    Edited once, last by lyly: Merged a post created by lyly into this post. ().

  • Hello Lyly,

    thank you for sharing the pictures. Your Repulse comes along very fine, the mast turned out splendid!

    KInd regards


  • Edited 3 times, last by lyly ().

  • Hello Lyly,

    looks like your Repulse will be finished soon.

    The big guns turned out very well.

    Fantom will be offering the Renown, sister of Repulse, as their next model. Konstruction has just started.

    Kind regards


  • There is still some small work to be done,thank you for your attention,Zaphod