Dark Star Scoutship

  • Recently-completed, this free download required a lot of effort to make it work.

    The interior was strengthened with a cardboard skeletal structure. The fuselage was layered with panels. The rear engine, airlock and radiators were highlighted with aluminium and gold foils. I added forward lights on the fuselage and warning lights on Bomb No. 20. I plug-moulded a clear acetate observation dome and added the Talby character (printed/reduced photo). I added hidden magnets to enable the bomb to be attached/detached (coupled by the metal rod).

    The scoutship features in the 1974 John Carpenter film Dark Star. It's a cult classic comedy sci-fi film. Dan O'Bannon also worked and starred in it, prior to his Alien movies.

  • Hello Armando,

    it worked fine, thank you very much for the file !

    Need to listen to the title song again, still stuck in my ears.

    Kind regards
