There is new model available at JSC webshop. This is not brandnew model, but has not been available for several years. It is coastal passenger ship Gdańsk, scale 1:200, JSC 241. In the current model superstructure’s construction have been changed. Additionally you can get lasercut parts (JSC 241L) - grating, supports, fenders, doors, anchors, ladders, lifebuoys.
JSC 241 Coastal passenger ship Gdansk, scale 1:200
This one is really beautiful! Is it also going to be avaiblable in 1:250 scale?
This one is really beautiful! Is it also going to be avaiblable in 1:250 scale?
i am very sorry you had to wait so long for answering your question. For the time being - no, it will not be available at scale 1:250, but could be in the future. It fits beautifully our waterfront diorama at 1:200 (JSC 211).
regards, Kasia Czolczynska, JSC -
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