I decided to finally show some pictures of the Zero that I have been working on for several months now. I've been at college and haven't had a digital camera until now. Being at college also means that my progress has been fairly slow.
I'd say I'm at about the halfway point for the cockpit. I still need to add the walls which include all the radio equipment, and gunsight, and a few other details. I made the seatbelts from layered aluminum foil painted with acrylic paint. I punched buckle holes in the right lap belt, but they didn't show up in the picture. This is actually the first model that I have used acrylic paints to paint the edges instead of water colors. I already greatly prefer acrylic to water colors. Acrylics are thicker and fill in the gaps much nicer. I also think that it's faster to match acrylic shades than it is to match water colors.
I also tried to cover the gauges in super glue to give them a "glassy" effect, but it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. I might go back over them with clear finger nail polish. I hate having a flush instrument panel and normally I would outline each gauge with small painted wires, but the zero instrument panel has the gauges mounted from behind and they are pretty much flush with the panel.
I was tempted to cut out the holes in the seat back, but I decided I didn't want to risk destroying my model. Now I sorta wish that I had cut them out, because I think it would make the seat look much more realistic.
I'll try to borrow my sisters camera and try to get some crisper pictures later. Updates will likely be slow, but there should be at least some progress while I'm on Christmas break for the next month. Enjoy.
[Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bfam4t6/Halinski%20Zero/100_2254.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bfam4t6/Halinski%20Zero/100_2255.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bfam4t6/Halinski%20Zero/100_2256.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bfam4t6/Halinski%20Zero/100_2257.jpg]
[Blocked Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v443/bfam4t6/Halinski%20Zero/100_2258.jpg]