
  • L'Instant Durable publishes paper models as postcards 'a découper' as well as models that require no glue or cutting at all.

    I must admit that I have not had good luck with the no glue/diecut models. I've wasted a few models trying to assemble them. However, rather than give up on them, I have tried a different approach.

    What worked for me was to cut all the tabs off and make light, thin paper tabs for fastening with glue.

    Here is the first mini-model using this technique. (01/09/09)

  • Hi John
    both churches are things like wow.

    withe the best regards


                                                                                   Artikel 1 GG:

    Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar.

    Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt

  • Hello, John!

    During a vacation in Burgundy "SHE" discovered the postcard models of L'Instant Durable and bought some of them at the Hospice de Beaune.
    So I built her three of them for display on a bookshelf.
    Now she started collecting postcard models of all the places we've visited in Europe, from London to Berlin and from Münster to Siena.
    However most of these we found here at Atelier GAG in Bremen and at Moduni in Hamburg. :]
    I hope that once SHE's retired she will build these miniatures herself - although I must admit that it is fun to do something that's finished within hours ;)

    Kind regards!

    Ich schnipsel mit Schere, ich klebe und falz';
    das is zwar nur Schimäre, doch mich unterhalt's! :P(frei nach Johann Nestroy)

    Edited once, last by Kartonkapitän ().

  • Hi John

    wow that is very cool. Looks very complicate and a lot of very, very little pieces of paper......

    Gruß: Teja

    :thumbsup:28. Internationale Kartonmodellbautreffen in Bremerhaven 2016 :thumbsup: