• Sorry for the wrong link. I was too excited to check it due to the coming Chinese new year. I am neither a native speaker of German nor English and Google Translation does not work well some time. I'll try to put more information later on.

    I don't know how to upload a pitcture directly using the editor. So every time I just upload them to the gallery and paste the link here. It is too small. May some one tell me how to do it?
    The first three models of the following picture are from the game called DIscipls III. The art style is very cool. The last two are from the cut book of Unseen University.

    This i my new building. The main body is using 1mm card stock.

  • :(
    I don't like this. Posting a link (not a correct one, anyway) without commenting it or telling something about what you can find there is a NO-GO in my opinion. If you want to provide us with material you should invest more! If you're a beginner in creating threads I'd recommend you to tell us something about you and your background first.

    Even more so: This is your second thread in which you just publish media but don't tell us anything about that. Not a fine start!

    Ich mag das so nicht. Einen Link (nicht mal einen korrekten) ohne ihn zu kommentieren oder zu erzählen, was dort zu finden ist ist nach meiner Meinung nach ein Unding. Wenn Du uns mit MAterial bereichern willst solltest Du etwas mehr investieren. Wenn Du ein Anfänger bist in sachen Threaderstellung empfehle ich, erst einmal damit anzufangen, etwas über Dich zu erzählen.

    Hinzu kommt, dass dies Dein zweiter BEitrag ist, der nur Medien postet ohne Text. Kein sehr toller Beginn!