Hi Friends,
thank You very much for those kinds comments - it's a nice surprise to me!
Posts by TAD
Hi Flo,
nice job and photos! It's a pleasure to watch Your report from building it.
Czesc Frettchen,
dziekuje za mile slowa - ciesze sie, ze model Ci sie podoba!Co do lakierowania - w ogole go nie lakierowalem ani nawet nie zagruntowalem Caponem. Polysk pochodzi od laserowego wydruku, ktory scieral sie pod palcami - dlatego zrezygnowalem z lakierowania. Duzo dodaje mocne oswietlenie podczas robienia zdjec.
Thanks Zaphod! You see - exhaust pipes are those parts, which I did the worse actually. But in this particular moment it was due to stratified paper. Each exhaust included 4 parts from the kit. Better idea would be make xero of them on thin paper.
And some more
let me show You my very last built plane - Heinkel He-51, author of the kit is Marek Pacynski, scale 1:33. Model is rather complicated and hard to built (need some more experience than building biplanes from I WW); it is laser-printed what makes a lot of troubles, has bad paper. Plane is well fitted, good detailed, however has some incorectness comparing to photos of the real plane. In the kit there are some strange (in my opinion) ideas about how to built model - I avoided most of them. Sorry for insufficient introduction, but this is becouse of my poor english.Report from building plane and more pictures You can find on my private www site.
And some more
let me show You model I finished at the april this year. Ansaldo A.1 Balilla, scale 1:33, publisher WAK. Quite easy, nice to build - can be recommended to those, who wants to start fun with biplanes (however not for very first carton model).More different photos You can find on my private site.
Hi Maxe,
congratulations - your planes looks nice to me. They are built very well. It would be fine to see more pictures each one.
hope that you understand now what I mean saying about incorrectnes in this kit. I had exactly the same problems as you have - and almost smashed my model to the trash. Rare bottom side of the fuselage is not your fault - so better idea would be paint it than leaving with those gaps.Anywhere - you do much better than I did!
Phantoms from GPM - hovewer worse painted and with serious lack of parts on the top of the wing (they don't have those special bulges for landing-gear) - are much better fitted. Sad thing - there are five kits with Phantom, and none is as should be...
apart from poor fitted parts in this model one of the hardest situation is proper shape of the fuselage. Left side of your model looks fine, but the right unfortunately not. I know it's not easy and needs a lot of tries. On picture below I draw what I mean - sure you understand that (red line shows incorrectnes of folding - it should go smoothly).
Ober Freak - in my opinion this kit has no problem with colours of camouflage - it's perfect - much more realistic, with more inscriptions than those two from GPM and is solid.Canopy was that for GPM Phantom.
Dear Rutzes -
I thought so, that you're not talking about model, but about some personal fuss to me But that's are two different things... In those themes you showed us I said only about unsharp pictures and showing model from distant view - well known techniques to show "nothing" in spite of showing "something". Didn't say about small pictures. Besides I dont mind anything about your criticism but be precise write what details you want to see, what means the starboard side is awful other wise its only a grumpy assessment
On my photos there is a lot of details, but that is for nothing if you write: the port side of the part between cockpit and engine is okay please see, that it is correct only on the right side. What sense has showing details, if you cant see even such big things? On my private site I wrote about totally incorrect parts of fuselage in this model its hard to explain it in English to me.
About size of pictures you are right, but those particular were made to fit on my commercial www site, where I need to mind of data transfer. Next time prepare larger for Kartonbau.de
Wow - that's a model - even despite the bad paper. Really like your plane. Congratualtions!
And here is another version of the same plane - comes from one polish competition (not my model!).
Hi Friends,
thanks for kind comments.Rutzes - pictures are fitted to easy look at typicall monitor. Personally I don't like large photos, that are usualy bad made and are inconveniet to watch. They show model not like in real, but like out of microscope - what for?
What size of pictures would let you make final decision? It can be done - have a lot of them.
Which details you d'like to see? Plesae tell - if they are'nt present on my site, then I provide new photos.
About seams - it wasn't me who deisgned this kit (actually the engine is totally wrong - doesn't look like a real). Besides they are visible only on those special made photos. At last - we are talking about very old kit - made without computer - it should be remembered.
Zaphod - about T. Grzelczak - he designed his models even during II WW - so he's really "father" of cardmodeling. Even now he has a lot of fresh ideas, and have no fear to take on great themes. You're right, that now there are more detailed models, but he is "still going strong".
Thank you for kind comments.
Thomas - next model is to be Heinkel He-51 from new issue by Marek Pacynski. If I'll be lucky
Some more
let me introduce my newly built model - Fairey Swordfish Mk I. It comes from old issue of Fly Model, designed by Tadeusz Grzelczak, scale 1:33. Fitting is poor, as well as thick lines, paper and so on. It can be recommended only to fans of this famous plane.More pictures and short report from building it you can find on my private site.
Hi Friend,
building this model took you one week and about couple weeks too less... Fast usually means poor - as I did the same plane here know it's not to sophisticated and can be done much better. I don't like your model, as it is done careless - probably due to short time of building it. Hope that next time you spend couple more weeks to achive better result.
Thank you friends. Norm - I should mention, that Your Fokker and report from building it was inspiration and help to me. Your plane is not worse than my.
Eatcrow - I saw your thread and hope You finish the plane - looks great. Right now I'm not going to show my Fokker on zealot becouse someone stole my account (he usses my identity, photos, threads) and authorites do nothing wiht this cheater in spite of asking them!
Hi Friends,
thank you! It's nice to hear you like this model despite many lacks I can found in it.
oto nowy model, ktory ukonczylem dzisiaj - Fokker D.VII z Kartonowej Kolekcji, autorstwa Pawla Mistewicza, skala 1:33. Model jest bardzo dobrze spasowany, kleil sie przyjemnie. Papier zagruntowalem jedynie Caponem, nie lakierowalem.Relacje z budowy Fokkera oraz wiecej zdjec mozna znalezc na mojej stronie - zapraszam.
Lo Jezusie w Betlejem! A ile razy Ty na nim usiadles? Pogratulowac. Odwagi. Za pokazanie takiego modelu publicznie.
really nice model - and I like it's camo!
Thanks Wilfried - even if this kind compliment is too much for model like that...
very good model and nice kit!
Thomas - I'm sorry - don't understand german language at all. Please english or polish. Thank you for understanding.
are you going to leave those gaps beetwen fuselage and wings?? Even on those small and unsharp pictures (not saying about the background) it looks poor. Also parts of the fuselage are fitted poor and retouche can be better. That's easy model without problems.
it looks fine from some distant view. Be kind and show us some closer view - something like with my Jak-28 on my private site. Only that way we can see the real worth of this model.
Cze[ Kroolo,
jestes swietnym modelarzem z Polski (Wy tam chyba duzo kleicie?) Szkoda, ze Cie nie wylapalem na forum w Polsce - zostalem Twoim idolem Jako poczatkujacy modelarz mam pare pytan do mistrza:
- czy trzymasz skalpel miedzy kkciukiem i wskazujacym czy miedzy kciukiem i serdecznym palcem?
- czy dobrze jest kleic po obfitym obiedzie?
- co robisz jak skonczysz kleic?
- gdzie trzymasz niesklejone czesci (w szafce czy na polce)?
- czy to prawda, ze jak sie zakBada krawat, to sie równiej wycina czesci?Z gory dziekuje za pomoc. Bede sledzil Twoje poczynania, bo jestes wybitnym mlodym modelarzem - wzoruje sie na Tobie.
nice model, well done. Would look better with pictures on solid background. Anyway - like it.
Hehe - Wolfgang - really nice model and plane actually! I wanted to tease you for better pictures, but having cellphone explaine everything. Good job with your model - like it very much.
Thank you Ccoyle - nice to hear you like it!
Dear Wolfgang,
be kind and explain - what did you wanted to show us on those unsharp pictures? Maybe your explanation will be more clearly than photos? Right know I can't see too much.
another one plane - Gloster Meteor Mk III from Fly Model, scale 1:33, finished in October 2008. Poor fitted, simplified, lines and colours moved (badly fitted) - only for funs and lovers of old Fly Model's. I dissuade this kit - his only advantage is that, it exist... More picture as usually on my private site.
Frettchen - wielkie dzieki! Ten model byl lakierowany w skomplikowany sposób, który trudno mi opisac po angielsku. Jesli czytasz po polsku, to zapraszam na moja strone - o lakierowaniu napisalem dwa dlugie artykuly oraz duzo o tym pojawilo sie w relacjach z budowy róznych modeli.
I'd like to introduce another plane of me - Junkers D.I from Answer publisher, scale 1:33, finished in July 2008. Very good accuracy, nice printing, higly detailed - I recommend this kit. However you must know its not easy to build model and has poor instruction. On my private site you can find full report from building it and much more pictures.
let me remind about myself with this model - PZL P.7a from Answer publisher, scale 1:33, finished in April 2008. Model not so easy to build, has some mistakes (one more serious in the tail or with engine), but finally looks fine to me. Model was sanded in some complicated ways (hard to explaine in english), scratches are my invention. More pictures You can find on my private site - be welcomed! -
Hi Robson,
nice plane! I'm looking to Your report as it is one of the most interesting and elegant here. Go on and wish You luck!