Due to recent events - Copyright in our Forum!
Dear members,
due to recent events we, the team of Kartonbau.de, want to again urgently point to the topic of copyright. Uploaded Images, PDFs and other documents are subject to copyright and may only be used after previous consultation and approval of the author on other servers/forums etc.
Scans may be made of original sheets that you have purchased yourself, and models built from them may also be shown in public. In any case, however, the original sheets must be kept as specimen copies; passing them on - whether for payment or free of charge - is prohibited for copyright reasons!
. We point to this situation again, because violations can lead to expansive legal consequences. Thats why we react very sensitively in this situation and therefore rigorously warn the offending users. In order to spare both us and you such annoying situations, we ask you for appropiate attention.
team of Kartonbau.de
due to recent events we, the team of Kartonbau.de, want to again urgently point to the topic of copyright. Uploaded Images, PDFs and other documents are subject to copyright and may only be used after previous consultation and approval of the author on other servers/forums etc.
Scans may be made of original sheets that you have purchased yourself, and models built from them may also be shown in public. In any case, however, the original sheets must be kept as specimen copies; passing them on - whether for payment or free of charge - is prohibited for copyright reasons!
. We point to this situation again, because violations can lead to expansive legal consequences. Thats why we react very sensitively in this situation and therefore rigorously warn the offending users. In order to spare both us and you such annoying situations, we ask you for appropiate attention.
team of Kartonbau.de
Latest Posts
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Schnellboot Typ 55 - Kl. 141 / P6068 SEEADLER u.a. / Whv-Lehrmittelinstitut / 1:250 26
- Hans-Joachim Möllenberg
- Replies
- 26
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Ein Bericht über Größenwahsinn: ULCC Jahre Viking, 1:250, JSC 8
- Pappi
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calypso von angraf 1:100 16
- roland scholz
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Alexander-Nevski-Kathedrale in Lodz, GMP, 1:150 13
- Alex_f
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[neptunia] USS Somers DD-381 1:200 1
- FGS_Z4
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Mobiler Kran - GROVE RT 1650 43
- Jürgen.W
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answer 1:33 nanchang cj-6 初教六
- lisiming
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Chessie System GP38-40 eine in den USA und Canada viel verwendete Diesellok für Güterzüge über lange Strecken. 7
- christoph.roye
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Schwimmkran "Langer Heinrich", mdk 1:250 50
- Jürgen.W
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DH 82 A Tiger Moth von Modelarz Kartonowy 1/33 12
- Rainer59
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neues LaserCut-Modell für Spur 0e von HS-Design 6
- hartmut_hs_design
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Maritime Modelle im Maßstab 1:1250 491
- Joachim Frerichs
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Bereisungsschiff EMS/ 1:250/ Kartonwerft 20
- Herbert
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Fragen zur Meterspur 6
- Horst_DH
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Gebäudebau für Modelleisenbahn 412
- H0er
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HANOMAG - von Hannover in die Welt
- hänschen
- Replies
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Feuerschiff Fehmarnbelt - KvJ - 1:250 52
- Spitfire
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Die Dorfstraße - es war einmal, Modelle aus Pappe, aber nicht von... 1:87, Stangel 63
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Die Lotsenboote von Travemünde KvJ 1/ 250 11
- Classic
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Autotransporter ELBE HIGHWAY/ skaliert auf 1:500/ JSC 20
- Konpass
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15.2.2025 1.Treffen des Mannheimer Kreises im Technoseum Mannheim 2
- Werner
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"Der Kaufmannsladen"; Comicheft YPS 1978 in ca. 1:12 10
- Axel Huppers
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U 134, Model-Hobby, Maßstab 1:200 35
- Gustav
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Troßschiff "Altmark" HMV 1:250 10
- interceptor
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Zuviel Überstand ( Material ) 3
- interceptor
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Dampfboot Sabino von 1908 - MB Kartonmodell 1:250
- Modellino
- Replies
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Wer hat das schon gebaut? ("Tanker") 7
- Möwe
- Replies
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Anleitung gesucht! 5
- Peterchen
- Replies
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Basteltag in Fernitz bei Graz 143
- Spitfire
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[Workshop 08.02.-09.02.25] Winterbasteln in Bremen 129
- Klaus-D.
- Replies
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Wachboote W4, W8, W21, W22 der Bundesmarine / MM und WHV / 1 : 250 48
- OpaSy
- Replies
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Aries 1B 2001 Odyssee skaliert auf 1:35 61
- O-Brian
- Replies
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Hier alle meine Flugzeugmodelle, Stand Januar 2025 (aktuell 150) 83
- Maxe
- Replies
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Bayerische S3/6 von Cfm - 1:45
- Frank_N
- Replies
- 0
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[02.05 - 04.05.2025] 35. Internationale Kartonmodellbau-Treffen in Mannheim 6
- Johannes Gründling
- Replies
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[08.03 - 09.03] Scale & Paint Wien 2025 21
- Robson
- Replies
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Architekturmodelle in Königsbrück/Sachsen 6
- Harald 49
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Fehler beim Trosschiff Altmark ? 4
- interceptor
- Replies
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Galeone "Mayflower" 1:72 vom Aue Verlag von HS-Design 1
- hartmut_hs_design
- Replies
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Abdeckhauben - eine alternative Bauart 19
- Jan Hascher
- Replies
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Elbe Highway in 1:250, JSC 97
- Lars G.
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CFA-16 Fairbanks Morse der Milwaukee Railroad 1:45 / HS-Design 29
- Frank_N
- Replies
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Ancienne Ferme de Montagne, von Gilbert et Louise Baud, verbaut in Diorama. 14
- schreinerrainer1
- Replies
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Bauhelgen für Schiffsmodelle 9
- Manfred
- Replies
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TS Bremen von 1959, WHV/Jade-Verlag, 1:250 62
- Piedade 73
- Replies
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ED-209 aus Robocop - Download Modell von Julius Perdana 31
- fadda59
- Replies
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Sea Lynnx Mk 88 A 4
- Werner
- Replies
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Suche nach Festungsmodellen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts 12
- Syrrenholt
- Replies
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Pontonanleger (Eigenkonstruktion, Maßstab 1:250) 4
- Achtknoten
- Replies
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- 573